For proper care of blood clot, please maintain gentle pressure by biting on gauze sponge for 45 minutes over the surgical area. If bleeding persists, replace gauze as needed. Please go home and stay off your feet.
- Do not rinse, spit, swish for 36 hours
- Do not drink through a straw for 36 hours
- Avoid commercial mouthwash during healing period
- Avoid spicy and citrus foods
- No alcoholic beverages for 48 hours
- No smoking for 48 hours
Gargle with warm salt water to keep the area clean. Use a concentration of ¼ salt to 8 oz of warm water.
You may brush carefully but thoroughly around the surgical area. If sutures were placed, you should return for removal on the date appointed.
If immediate prosthetics (dentures) were placed, please wear a healing cap for 48 hours.
Crown, Bridge, Filling, or Veneer
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Root Canal
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At-Home Bleaching
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In-Office Whitening
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Dermal Filler
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